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Dear collegues!

Each time the Congress attracts thousands of the best specialists in the field of oncology from several parts of Russia, CIS countries and all around the world. More than 9000 participants attended onlinee XI Concress of CIS and Eurasia oncologists and radiologists in 2020.
In 2021, in April 7-9, this event will be also held online. This time Concress of CIS and Eurasia oncologists and radiologists by the name of N.N. Trapeznikov has been dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Ist Congress and it is once again aimed in gathering together not only lead experts in oncology from Russia, but also foreign experts from Europe, Asia and Middle East.
Forecoming event will give a chance for the many oncologists to get acquainted with cutting edge developments in scientific and practical areas, that would contribute to further improvement of oncological care.
Medical specialists' demand on acquiring of cutting edge information concerning treatment and diagnstics options, explorations in the field of oncology, radiology, radiation therapy, surgery and other related fields has always been high, and specifically by this Congress we intend in provision of possibility for improving one's educational quality, sharing profesisonal experience and discussing burning issues with leading experst it aforementioned scientific fields.
During Congress reporters and guests will have an opportunity of visiting specialized exhibition presented by the majority of leading domestic and international manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and medical devices and equipment.

The Congress has been performed under the aegis of The Association for Directors of Centers and Institutes of Oncology and Radiology of the CIS and Eurasian Countries (ADIOR of the CIS and Eurasia)
See you online on the ХII Concress of CIS and Eurasia oncologists and

About the event
  • A.D. Kaprin
    President of ADIOR CIS and EA, General Director of the National Medical Research Radiological Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Chief Oncologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • M.I. Davydov
    Honorary President of ADIOR CIS and EA, Chief Oncologist of MEDSI, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Key dates
September, the 24th
September, the 24th
Registration opening
October, the 19th
October, the 19th
Abstracts submission start date for scientific program
January, the 15th
January, the 15th
Deadline for abstracts submission
April, the 07th
April, the 07th
Congress opening ceremony
April, the 09th
April, the 09th
Congress closure ceremony
Organizing committee
E-mail: info@adior-onco2021.com
Phone: +7 (495) 109-10-69