обратная связь
Если у Вас возникли вопросы, пишите нам и мы обязательно на них ответим.
  • - Pediatric oncology
    - Cardiac oncology
    - Colorectal cancer
    - Diagnostic imaging in oncological practice
    - Melanoma and skin cancer
    - Neurological oncology
    - Regulatory affairs concerning nuclear and radiation medicine
    - Educational programms in oncology
    - Hematooncology
    - Oncological gynecology
    - Oncological mammology
    - Oncological psychology
    - Oncological urology
    - Biliopancreaticoduodenal tumors.
    - Primary and metastatic liver cancer
    - Head and neck cancer
    - Bone and soft tissue tumors
    - Management affairs in oncological practice
    - Management issues concerning oncological service functioning
    within COVID-19 pandemic situation
    - Palliative care
    - Gastric cancer: key considerations on diagnostics and treatment
    - Rehabilitation in oncology
    - Nursing care
    - Screening, early diagnostics and preventive measures in oncological
    - Contemporary pathomorphological issues
    - Modern approaces in thoracic oncological surgery
    - Telemedicine and application of information technologies in oncology
    - Experimental oncology
    - Endovascular surgery
    - Endoscopic technologies in oncological practice
    - Nuclear and radiation medicine

Organizing committee
E-mail: info@adior-onco2021.com
Phone: +7 (495) 109-10-69